Pricing made simple

At Beach Chair Marketing, we believe in keeping things as clear as the beach water. We offer 3 flexible and simple pricing options to suit your specific needs. 

Our packages and retainers are based on what we have seen work for past clients, providing proven solutions for success. If you prefer a more tailored approach, you can use our per item pricing option, where our project calculator will give you an estimate after answering a few quick questions. For those who want to discuss their project in detail, you can book a consultation call with us, and we’ll provide a personalized price based on your specific requirements.

No matter which option you choose, we're here to help you achieve your marketing goals!

Packages & Retainers
Per item pricing
By Consultation

The Beach Chair Mission

At Beach Chair Marketing, we believe in empowering you through technology, efficiency, and open communication. As our valued partner, your vision and success drive us forward. Together, we'll harness the power of technology and creative brilliance to achieve remarkable outcomes and make waves in the digital landscape. 

Cell phones are the new billboards!

We believe that the best place to market your business is by promoting on the top used apps, such as social channels & email.

You need to be the news and the ad break!

Content, no matter in which channel, has to be diverse. You have to educate and entertain people before they pay attention to your promotions.

Content comes in many shapes and forms...

We have the capacity to create any kind of promotional material on a digital screen. Be it graphic, video or written.

Radio, Newspaper, TV... Social Media!

Analytics & Engagement are the biggest difference between these forms of communication. We foster real relationships and make data-backed decisions.

What our customers are saying

Real customers sharing their honest opinions, visit for the full and in-depth reviews.
Fred from Blockonomics said: 

"Everything they developed was excellent, it was much better than what we'd produced before. Moreover, they succeeded on LinkedIn - we saw a significant increase in followers and engagement on the platform"

Francine from FraMe Cuisine said: 

"They were always happy to help, and they made sure we were able to manage our site independently. The team was so patient. Their project management was excellent. It was as if they worked 24/7; I would send them an email, and they would respond within 1–2 hours "

Crystal Samuels said: 

"We were impressed with the quality of their work and proactive assistance with the website, finding creative was to repurpose my social proof from other platforms and coming up with reel topics"

Blandine Hair Braiding said: 

"The team delivered high-quality work on time with effective communication. Their consistent delivery of quality work was impressive and unique. Overall, I couldn't think of any areas for improvement or things they could have done differently."

A glimpse of our digital design achievements